| African Nova Scotian Affairs, Nova Scotia's Culture Action Plan | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
| Age of Sail Heritage Museum & Archives | Port Greville |
| Amherst Artisan Gallery | Amherst |
| Annual Embrace Truro Festival | Truro |
| Annual Winter Long John Festival, Truro | Truro |
| Arie Dance Company | Truro |
| Atlantic Dance Academy | Amherst |
| Basic Spirit Fine Craft and Gift Gallery | Pugwash |
| Bass River Heritage Interpretive Park and Museum | Bass River |
| Burnside-Pembroke Community and Park Association, Burnside Community Club | Upper Stewiacke |
| Caledonian Orchestra of Nova Scotia, Scottish music at its best! | Great Village |
| Cantabile Truro Youth Singers | Truro |
| Centre communautaire francophone de Truro, Francophone Community Centre of Truro | Truro |
| Chignecto-Central International Student Program, Part of Chignecto-Central Regional Centre for Education | Truro |
| Child Help Initiative Program (C.H.I.P), Native Council of NS | Truro |
| Church Mouse Players, Drama Group | Oxford |
| Classics by the Bay | Parrsboro |
| Clay Cafe Truro, Paint your own Pottery Studio | Truro |
| Cobequid Arts Council, Marigold Centre | Central Colchester |
| Cobequid Dance Academy Inc. | Truro |
| Cobequid Funtones | Oxford |
| Cobequid Twirlers Square Dance | Lower Truro |
| Colchester Heritage Rug Hookers | Truro |
| Colchester Historeum | Truro |
| Colchester Legion Pipes and Drums | Truro |
| Colchester-East Hants Library Youth Programs | Truro |
| Colchester-East Hants Public Library | Truro |
| Colchester-East Hants Public Library Book Discussion Group | Truro |
| Colchester-East Hants Public Library: Elmsdale Branch | Elmsdale |
| Creative Voices of Truro, A Women's Performance Group | Truro |
| Creativebug, Annapolis Valley Regional Library | Annapolis Valley Region |
| Cultural Exchange, Youth Exchange - Nacel Canada | Truro |
| Cumberland County Genealogical Society | Cumberland County |
| Cumberland County Genealogy Centre | Amherst |
| Cumberland County Museum and Archives | Amherst |
| Cumberland Public Libraries | Cumberland County |
| DanceSport Atlantic | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Dayle's Grand Market | Amherst |
| Deanne Fitzpatrick Rug Hooking Studio | Amherst |
| Debert and Area Community Association | Debert |
| Debert Days | Debert |
| Dorje Denma Ling, (Meditation Centre) | The Falls |
| Douglas Street Recreation Centre | Truro |
| East Mountain Ranch, Gallery and Workshop | East Mountain |
| Ed Creelman Park and Brookfield Railway Station | Brookfield |
| Elizabeth Bishop Society of Nova Scotia | Great Village |
| First Baptist Church (Amherst) | Amherst |
| Four Fathers Memorial Public Library | Amherst |
| Fundy Geological Museum | Parrsboro |
| Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy, (FORCE) | Parrsboro |
| Global Citizenship- Free Classroom-Ready Workshop (Grades 9-12), ACT 4 Global Change- Project Funding by Global Affairs Canada | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Grace Arts Centre | Tatamagouche |
| Hubtown Theatre | Truro |
| Image Makers Photography Club | Truro |
| IMI Fitness with Crystal Mills, Zumba, Bootcamps and Pound | Truro |
| Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, Atlantic Region Office | Amherst |
| Jane Norman College, Institute for Human Services Education | Truro |
| Joggins Fossil Cliffs UNESCO World Heritage Site, ...and Centre! | Joggins |
| Joy Laking Gallery | Bass River |
| Kicking it With Karla!, Line Dancing Classes | Truro |
| Lawrence House Provincial Museum | Lunenburg County |
| Limitless Dance Company | Brookfield |
| Little Ray's Reptile Zoo, Little Ray's Nova Scotia *Museum Natural History | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Little White Schoolhouse Museum | Truro |
| Malagash Area Heritage Association, Community Centre | Malagash |
| Margaret Fawcett Norrie Heritage Centre | Tatamagouche |
| Maritime Fiddlers Association | Falmouth |
| Maritime Mosaic | Amherst |
| Mastodon Ridge, Visitor Information Centre/ Winding River Art Gallery | Stewiacke |
| Mrs. Pugsley's Emporium Inc. | Amherst |
| Multicultural Association of Colchester | Truro |
| Music Jamboree | Bible Hill |
| North Cumberland Historical Society | Pugwash |
| North Shore Bavarian Society, Atlantic Canada's Largest Annual Oktoberfest | North Shore |
| Nova Scotia Community College Cumberland Campus | Springhill |
| Nova Scotia Community College Truro Campus | Truro |
| Nova Scotia Highlander Regimental Museum | Amherst |
| Nova Scotia International Student Program | Truro |
| Nova Scotia Native Women's Association | Truro |
| Nova Scotia Visitor Information Centre, Amherst/NB Border | Amherst |
| Open Arms Church | Parrsboro |
| Oxford Capitol Theatre | Oxford |
| Oxford Historical Society | Oxford |
| Oxford Mainstreet Music Society | Oxford |
| Oxford Riverside Gallery | Oxford |
| Parrsboro Creative | Parrsboro |
| Parrsboro Visitor Information Centre | Parrsboro |
| Poetry at Large (Poetry Festival), Oxford Celebrates Poetry Month | Oxford |
| Pugwash Harbour Fest | Pugwash |
| Pugwash Library | Pugwash |
| Pugwash Visitor Information Centre | Pugwash |
| River Hebert Miners Memorial Museum | River Hebert |
| River Hebert Public Library | River Hebert |
| Riverfront Park | Truro |
| Shambhala Sun Summer Camp | Tatamagouche |
| Ship's Company Theatre, Celebrating 35 years of professional theatre in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia! | Parrsboro |
| Show Case Dance Studio, Ballet/ Jazz/ Tap | Truro |
| Showcase Productions Society | Amherst |
| Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc | Halifax Regional Municipality |
| Springhill Baptist Church | Springhill |
| Springhill High School | Springhill |
| Springhill Miners Memorial Library | Springhill |
| Springhill Visitor Information Centre | Springhill |
| Stewiacke Library Branch- Colchester East Hants, Book Buddies (Stewiacke Branch) | Stewiacke |
| Stewiacke Valley Museum, Stewiacke Valley Historical Society | Upper Stewiacke |
| Sunday in the Park Concert Series, 2-4 pm at Victoria Park | Truro |
| Tatamagouche Area Singers | Tatamagouche |
| Tatamagouche Public Library | Tatamagouche |
| Tatamagouche Visitor Information Centre | Tatamagouche |
| The Cantabile Society of Truro, Cantabile Singers of Truro, Cantabile Boys' Choir, Cantabile Impact! Youth Choir | Truro |
| The Hall- Parrsboro Culture and Community Centre, Parrsboro Citizen's Band Association/ Choir | Parrsboro |
| The Horsemen's Club, THC Events | Truro |
| The Rug Hooking Guild of Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
| Thinkers Lodge National Historic Site | Pugwash |
| Thrive! | Downtown Halifax (Halifax Peninsula) |
| Thrown Together Pottery and Art | Truro |
| Tidnish Crossroads & Area Community Association, TCCA | Tidnish |
| Town of Truro Art Acquisition Program | Truro |
| Truro Art Society | Truro |
| Truro Bellydance, Belly Dance Classes in Truro, NS | Truro |
| Truro Civic Square | Truro |
| Truro Concert Band | Truro |
| Truro District School Bands Auxiliary | Truro |
| Truro One Act Play Festival | Truro |
| Truro Salvation Army Church | Truro |
| Truro Shambhala Meditation Group | Truro |
| Visual Voice Fine Art, Art Gallery | Truro |
| Wallace Visitor Information Centre | Wallace |
| White Rabbit Arts Festival | Upper Economy |
| Wildlife Carvers and Artists Association (Colchester Chapter) | Colchester County |
| Word Herd, Book Buddies | Truro |
| Y Senior Dances, Old Time Dance | Truro |
| YMCA Reach & Amherst Immigrant Settlement | Amherst |
| Zumba with Heidi B, Zumba Fitness & Aqua Zumba | Truro |
| Tide Fest Music Festival, East Hants' First Home Coming Weekend | East Hants |
| Marigold Guild of Needle Arts, A Chapter of the Embroiderers' Association of Canada/Association canadienne de broderie | Truro |
| Annual Parrsboro Film Festival | Parrsboro |
| Marigold Cultural Centre | Truro |
| NSPEC Complex, A Community, Agriculture, and Entertainment Complex in the Heart of Colchester County | Bible Hill |
| Tatamagouche Festival of Soil, Soul, and Society | Tatamagouche |
| Truro Carvers, SEEKING NEW MEMBERS | Truro |
| Truro Music Festival | Truro |
| Cape d'Or Lighthouse | Advocate Harbour |
| Colchester Annual Art Acquisition Program | Colchester County |
| Minudie Heritage Association Office | River Hebert |
| Scottish Ceilidh Dancercise | Bible Hill |
| Fundy Discovery Site | Lower Truro |
| Parrsboro Library | Parrsboro |
| Spencer's Island Lighthouse, Spencer's Island Community Association | Spencers Island |
| Parks Canada BioBlitz, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site | Maitland Bridge |
| Sutherland Steam Mill Museum | Denmark |
| Amos Seaman School Museum | Minudie |
| Gathering of the Clans | Pugwash |
| Debert Military Museum | Debert |
| Balmoral Grist Mill Museum | Balmoral Mills |
| Malagash Salt Miners' Museum | Malagash |
| The Horton Gallery | Pugwash |
| Isabel Simpson Heritage Centre | Springhill |
| Northumberland Arts Council Fraser Cultural Centre | Tatamagouche |
| National Indigenous People's Day, Nova Scotia | Nova Scotia |
| Red Clay Economy | Upper Economy |
| Cliffs of Fundy Geopark Welcome Centre | Economy |
| Millbrook Cultural & Heritage Centre | Millbrook (Colchester Co.) |
| Tinsmith Museum and Craft Shop | East Hants |
| Tinsmith Museum and Craft Shop | East Hants |
| Farm Equipment Museum | Bible Hill |
| Art Lab Studios and Gallery | Parrsboro |
| Springhill Miners Museum (Society), Tour A Mine | Springhill |
| Anne Murray Centre | Springhill |
| Nova Scotia Fibre Arts Festival | Amherst |
| Sara Bonnyman Pottery | Tatamagouche |
| Tatamagouche Grain Elevator Village | Tatamagouche |
| Heritage Models Museum | River Hebert |
| Museum-Ottawa House By-the-Sea Museum and Parrsborough Shore Historical Society | Parrsboro |
| Ron MacKay Memorial Youth Band Society | Bible Hill |
| Ten Days in October | Parrsboro |
| Attic Painters | Truro |
| Goodtime Seniors' Dance Club, Branch #26 | Truro |
| Coming Home to Brookfield, Annual Event | Brookfield |
| NovelTea Bookstore Cafe, Events | Truro |
| Sunday Night Jazz, Roadside Willie's | Bible Hill |
| Wallace and Area Museum Walking Trails | Wallace |
| Cliffs of Fundy UNESCO Global Geopark | Cumberland County |